Many people consider buying used cars as too much of a hassle. They feel as though their money would be better spent on a new car, one for which they can be certain of the history. However, what these people fail to realize is that, even with a new car, there is the possibility of deception or pre-existing problems. The trick, therefore, is not to buy a new car in order to escape difficulty, but to do the proper amount of research to ensure a wonderful purchase experience, whichever you decide to buy.
One thing to remember when buying used cars is never trust what the seller says. If you are buying from a dealer, demand a vehicle history report. Do NOT always trust the car title. There are times during transport that the details of a car title are modified. If you only go by the information on the title, you run the risk of receiving a car that was once listed as "totalled" in another location. This was the case of many cars that were sold post-Hurricane Katrina. Dozens of flooded cars drifted their way north and were resold with clean slates. All while corrosion was eating away on the inside. This is not to say that all used car dealers are dishonest, however, their main goal is to make money and they may not be as thorough as you want them to be concerning a "new" vehicle.


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